The members of the FEL Prize Committee invite you to make a nomination for the 2022 FEL Prize and 2022 Young Scientist FEL Award, which will be awarded at the FEL 2022 conference in August.

The FEL prize is awarded to a person or persons who have contributed significantly to the advancement of the field of Free-Electron Lasers. In addition, the Prize gives the international FEL community the opportunity to recognize one or more of its members for their outstanding achievements.

The Young Scientist FEL Award honors an important contribution to FEL science and technology from a person who is less than 35 years of age at the time of the Conference. Information concerning the date of birth or current age is required to accompany a nomination for the Young Scientist Award. The nomination letter for this prize must have an attachment of selected paper(s) published by the nominee.

Nominations should detail the outstanding achievements for which the nominated person should be recognized. A brief proposed citation should be part of the nomination letter. It is recommended that contributions are accompanied by support letters, (no more than 3) substantiating the significant contributions to the science of FEL relevant to the nomination.

Deadline for nominations and supporting letter: May 31, 2022.
Nominations and supporting letters for both prizes should be sent or e-mailed to the chair of the FEL Prize Committee:

Zhirong Huang
2022 FEL Prize Committee Chair
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
2575 Sand Hill Road
Menlo Park, California 94025-7015
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.